Bay Enviro Bins Blog

  • Conservation Week 2021

    Conservation Week was originally launched in 1969 by the New Zealand Scout Association, with the goal to promote greater interest in the environment and encourage people to take practical actions to look after it.
  • Food waste in New Zealand

    Food waste is one of the many environmental issues that is now being addressed by industry, individuals, and government. A Waste Not Consulting report to the Ministry for the Environment “Household Waste Data 2008”, calculated that 1,048,993 tonnes of waste were generated by the residential sector, an average of 260 kg per person or 676 kg per household per annum.
  • What goes in your green waste bin?

    Green waste is composed of waste products that are biodegradable, which means they can easily break down and become a part of the earth again. Our local Councils have changed the rules around what you can and cannot put into your Council rubbish or wheelie bin. So, the best solution to tackle your green waste recycling problem is to call Bay Environmental Bins who can provide you with the best solution for your garden waste and a collection roster that suits your needs.
  • What to do with food waste

    Food waste or food loss is food that is not eaten. New Zealand households throw away 122,547 tonnes of food annually, enough to feed 262,917 people or the population of Dunedin for two years. That costs $872 million a year. For Kiwi families, that is the equivalent of three shopping trolleys of edible food going to landfill each year.
  • Sustainability and Business

    A sustainable business, or a green business, is an enterprise that has minimal negative impact, or potentially a positive effect, on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. It is any organisation that participates in environmentally friendly or green activities to ensure that all processes, products, and manufacturing activities adequately address current environmental concerns while maintaining a profit.

  • Spring will finally be here on the first of September!

    Spring will finally be here on the first of September! Though it’s a very exciting thought to start planting everything in the garden right now, try hold off a little longer with planting any summer crops as New Zealand spring can be very unpredictable. A rogue frost could ruin all your hard work.

    Now is a good time to really ensure your soil is in top-notch condition. Pack it full with lovely organic materials so your garden is ready for when it is planting time.

    You can also make a start on sowing summer seeds inside if you haven't yet.


  • World Honey Bee Day - Be as busy as a bee!

    We often take nature for granted. We don’t think about the pivotal role that all of life’s creatures play. However, World Honey Bee Day gives you the perfect opportunity to pay honour to the incredible honey bee. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this day, as well as the critical role that honeybees play in our everyday lives.
  • From 1 October 2020 Napier’s rubbish will no longer be collected in single use black plastic bags.

    Residential kerbside rubbish collections in Napier are changing. While the collection will still be weekly Napier’s rubbish will no longer be collected in single use black plastic bags. Napier will be changing to 120 litre wheelie bins. The new wheelie bins will be delivered during August and September this year and will be owned by Napier City Council.

  • Keep The Kids Active During School Holidays

    Are you looking for a cool activity to keep your kids entertained? We’ve got you covered! Our beautiful colouring sheets keep your children active and make time fly. And while they use their creativity they also learn more about keeping our beautiful earth green.
  • Biodiversity 2020

    Biodiversity is the shortened form of the two words "biological" and "diversity". It is the term given to describe the variety of life on our planet. Loss of biological diversity disrupts the functioning of ecosystems, making them more vulnerable to perturbations and less able to supply humans with needed services. So, what can you do to help our biodiversity?

  • Everything is connected

    There are a surprising amount of people, businesses and communities that would like to do more to conserve and protect our natural resources, but they don’t know where to begin with becoming more environmentally friendly. Being environmentally friendly simply means having a lifestyle that are better for the environment. It’s all about taking small steps towards mother earth so as to make this planet a better place for our communities and generations to come. 


  • Composting and Composting Timeframe

    Everyone knows that composting your fruit and vegetable scraps and other biological material is much better than sending those scraps to the city landfill, where they would turn into methane gas. 

    Here is a simple guide to the composting timetable, depending on which method you use.